Tuesday, April 15, 2008

This is my original piece that was used for my movie:

"Ladyshroom" a watercolor by Amy Ross


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Martha Graham:


Twyla Tharp:


Mark Morris:

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Alex Bag
Untitled Fall '95, 1995, Video
[ASU Art Museum's description of Untitled Fall '95]:"Each fall the experience begins anew - fresh-faced, energetic young students enter art school to escape their parents, who predictably do not understand them or their artistic drive. They arrive with a false sense of freedom, but soon discover that there are even more rules, regulations and requirements on campus. The art student dream of a bohemian lifestyle and limitless studio time is quickly shattered by the brutal reality of critical theory, western civilization, humanities and art history classes."

Ummm, don't wanna see that movie. How depressing. I really don't want to watch a film about how horrible my life is supposed to be right now. I wonder what the intended audience of that work is? I mean is it geared towards college students, the people the video focuses on? I hope not. Ok, I guess this pisses me off. This was probably made to open the eyes of the naive or something. I disagree with the whole false freedom disappointment thing that this artist is trying tell us. Bullshit...

Vito Acconci

Paul Pfeiffer
Morning After the Deluge 2001, Video Projection loop

I will come back and write more later. My computer is about to die and i have to draw this mushroom. 

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Artist Research

Pipolotti Risti:
Risti is a video artist from Switzerland. She generally deals with issues related to gender, sexuality, and the human body in her work. She often alters her films in color, speed and sound, and they normally only last for a few minutes. Something I found refreshing was that unlike many other conceptual artists, her work gives the feeling of happiness and simplicity. Feminist art critics often review her work. She became famous worldwide for her film Pickelporno which was about the female body and the sexual exitation. She's also done films called I'm Not The Girl Who Misses Much, Ever is Over All, and Open My Glade. (The picture above is from Sip My Ocean).

Bill Viola:
According to Viola's own website he is "considered a pioneer in the medium of video art and is internationally recognized as one of today's leading artists". He creates videotapes, architectural video installations, sound environments, electronic music performances, flat panel video pieces, and works for television broadcasts. Viola "uses video to explore the phenomena of sense perception as an avenue to self-knowledge". There are common themes in his work such as universal human experiences like birth, death, and the unfolding of consciousness. He also works with spiritual themes including Zen Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, and Christian mysticism. Apparently his video communicate to a wide audience. (The picture above is a still from Angels Departing and shows one of his most common themes, water.)

Matthew Barney:
Barney calls himself a sculptor, but he works with a variety of different things including film, video, drawing, sculpture, photography, and performance art. His best known work is a film series called the Cremaster Cycle. It's an experimental film with a relatively high budget and featured Norman Mailer, Ursula Andress, and Richard Serra. He also did a film in 2006 with Bjork called Drawing Restraint 9. His work has been throughly critically reviewed. Jed Pearl feels his work is "phony-baloney mythopoetic movies, accomponied by dumpster loads of junk from some godforsaken gymnasium of the imagination". Wow... anyway, I was scared as I was watching the trailers of his movies. I've never seen anything that weird in my entire life. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I liked this. I think most AFO students would benefit from reading this.


Thursday, January 17, 2008


(Jenny Lewis by Autumn De Wilde)
I think this photo illustrates time in many ways. It shows the time that passes in life between being a child and an adult. It shows quality time spent between two people. The little girl trying to act older than she really is shows the eagerness we sometimes feel for time to pass. Something a little less obvious would be the vintage styles of the clothing... show the evolution of clothing and how past can work in present day. This picture also describes the time it takes for a girl to get ready...

The concept of this class kind of throws me off. Hopefully by the end of the semester I will understand what exactly "time studio" is... to me time is just a way of measuring when things are happening and when things did happen and what's coming next. Past, present, and future. I'm really horrible at being on time so I'm finding that thinking about time in this much detail is making me kind of uncomfortable. It's making me think of the pressure you feel when you're trying to get somewhere at a certain time or rushing to finish a project minutes before class starts. Time passes entirely too fast when you want it to never end. And sometimes, kind of like right now, I feel like I've been sitting here for endless amounts of time and I desperately want something to happen. The beginning of time, being born, and the end, dying, are relevant. Time isn't tangible. It's really strange that an art class is based around it as a foundation.


testing, testing...